
The Wynne Group is dedicated to searching for the best talent to fulfill your hiring requirements. Unlike many recruiting firms, we are solely focused on working with technology and software companies to recruit the best sales talent. Like most sales organizations we place a high premium on our sales process. We follow a strict process to make sure that when we start a search, we thoroughly understand what you want in a candidate. Therefore, before anything else is done, we sit down with you and complete a detailed interview to extract the information that is most relevant to your hiring requirements. We take that information and build a candidate profile which we will use to screen against potential candidates that we request you review and sign off on. Once we start the search, we incorporate our own sales background and experiences to interview and pre qualify potential candidates before we ever present them for your review. Ultimately, our goal is to provide you with a short list of very qualified candidates, so that you when you start your interview process, you have an exceptional talent pool to choose from. Please contact us today, so we can help build your sales organization!

E-mail: employers@thewynnegroup.com

Phone: 703-400-8773

Contingent and Retained Searches

Contingency Search: At TWG, we offer two types of searches. With a contingency search, the payment of our search fees is contingent on the hiring of our referred candidate. For new clients, this type of search provides a comfort level with TWG, and at the same time allows TWG the ability to to demonstrate a professional aproach that delivers optimal results. This critical in building new relationships and an ongoing business relationship that will utlimately benefit both parties.


Retained Search: At TWG, we offer two types of searches. Wtih a retained search, our clients agree to pay an agreed upon up front retainter when the search is initiated, and additional payments are scheduled throughout the designated search period. Full payment is made for the search itself, and is not contingent upon placement.